“Gross Rating Points” for Moving Billboard & Outdoor Advertising

Gross Rating Point (GRP) serves as a metric employed by advertisers for assessing the effectiveness of their campaigns. It quantifies the extent to which individuals within a specified target audience have been exposed to an advertisement. GRP is determined by multiplying the anticipated reach of the ad by its frequency.


To clarify – it is expected that an advertisement will reach 30% of the target market. So, if a media planner rolls out four advertisements, their GRP will be 120. The overall goal of the GRP metric is to give advertisers an estimate on how much exposure their campaign is receiving.

Similar to most advertising metrics, GRP is an approximation. No one can be certain if the expected target market will be reached.

However, GRP is still the leading metric in how TV advertisements are bought. If a company decides to purchase 1000 GRP for daytime television commercials, it is up to the advertiser to determine which network will help them achieve that. In television advertisements, GRP is necessary and essential to measuring success!

Moving Billboard GRP, Outdoor Advertising GRP, Truck Advertising GRP, Mobile Billboard Advertising GRP


On the other hand, click-through rates (CTR), cost per thousand views (CPM) and cost per view (CPV) are the more common metric used for online advertising. Although all parameters are ways to quantify impressions, GRP is unique in that it measures as a percentage of your target market.

More Information on GRP’s – Learn it Here

What does this signify for your mobile billboard and outdoor advertising endeavors? Truck advertising yields remarkably low CPM rates in contrast to other outdoor advertising offerings. In addition to these cost advantages, mobile billboards represent a potent avenue for executing high GRP campaigns. Their mobility allows them to effectively target sizable segments of the intended audience, constantly accruing substantial impression counts daily. Leveraging a fleet of mobile billboards guarantees the attainment of your campaign’s GRP objectives.


Moving Billboard GRP, Truck Advertising GRP, Mobile Billboard GRP, Outdoor Advertising GRP, OOH Advertising GRP

 Updated November 08, 2021

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