Is Outdoor Advertising Really Dominating ?  Why Aren’t You Using It ?

Times Square Billboard, outdoor advertising, digital billboard                                                                   Billboards in Time square are worth watching

Billboards aren’t just the background on road trips. Placing an ad on a billboard that includes a memorable image of a product or a company name. As of 2017, more than 80 percent of Americans had at least one vehicle, making at least one trip each weekday, according to the Outdoor Advertising Association of America. These consumers see billboards every day while traveling for pleasure or business. Within your market, you can find out how many people pass by certain thoroughfares or certain intersections to determine where  the ad-space hot spots should exist.

Why billboards still work?

With such a broad spectrum of consumable media for brands to use, outdoor advertising doesn’t really emerge as the top thing on the list. Email campaigns, social media advertising  and digital ads offer much better targeting. Even TV commercials are more dynamic. What do outdoor ads have that makes them so special?

People spend a lot of  time in front of screens whether it be kiosks, billboards etc and that real-life advertisements have more power than they used to. Online browsers are masters at ignoring pop-up ads and banners, but when they see a street sign, billboard, or any other eye-catching object, they take a moment to look. For brands, that moment makes the difference.

The pathway from outdoor ads to increased revenue is upfront — but success depends on execution. Brands not only need to expand their presence outside, but also to create memorable experiences that make the most of their ad budgets. These tips would help us:

interactive-billboards-advertising-mobile-billboards                                                              Eye-popping,Interactive messaging and visuals

1. Create eye-popping, interacting messaging and visuals.

Outdoor advertising exists in an interactive environment. Don’t put up boring posters and expect customers to come running. Those are not attractive, just the wastage of money and time. Check local municipal regulations, and then think of inventive ways to subvert visual expectations and get viewers engaged with the ads cause that’s the most important thing in outdoor advertising.

2. Capitalize on travel time.

Whether on a cross-country road trip or a morning commute, Americans spend plenty of time on the go. The Outdoor Advertising Association of America reports that most consumers spend 65 percent of their waking hours away from home that means most of the time people are outdoors and that’s when outdoor advertising plays it’s role.

Investor’s Business Daily reports that the biggest digital brands, like Netflix and Amazon, are some of the top spenders in offline advertising. If online titans get that much value from outdoor ads, smaller companies can do the same. Think about the commute and travel behaviours of the target audience, and then optimize your outdoor campaign to meet them on their turf.

3. Blend new tracking with appealing retro ads.

Outdoor ads naturally lend themselves to retro vibes, however that doesn’t make them outdated. Digitize outdoor ads with interactive elements, dynamic copy and location-specific content to infuse modern effectiveness into a classic medium.

The Economist, for instance, made a lightbulb illuminate when passersby walked underneath its ad. Coca-Cola used retro flair when it combined a billboard with a sample dispenser.

4. Borrow from other brands and industries.

Outdoor advertising clearly works for other brands. So, it’s all about taking an idea from someone and applying to your own brand and use it for a quick shortcut to successful advertising.

Google previously launched Interactive Games on Times Square’s  and that was the biggest billboard Ever

google-android-times-square-billboard                                                                    Google’s largest billboard ever at times square

The search giant’s tenure of the Mitsubishi digital screen – which was the size of a football field and boasted a resolution exceeding 4K display by 5 million pixels — kicked off during Christmas holidays and was there until January 31. In addition to exclusive rights to the screen through the ever-critical holiday shopping season and the Times Square spectacle that is New Year’s Eve, Google also deployed some tech-savvy, interactive features.

Talk to a Mobile Billboard specialist today
