Street Furniture – How it Helps a Business Earn Brand Awareness

Street furniture advertising is becoming increasingly popular as people are spending more and more time outdoors. The Wall Street Journal writes:

street furniture, static billboard advertising

Outdoor advertising is getting tougher to ignore as it branches out beyond the old-fashioned Billboard. As advertisers find it harder to reach consumers through television and radio, the increasing array of Out-of-Home Advertising is looking more attractive.” 
Outdoor advertising is getting tougher to ignore as it branches out beyond the old-fashioned Billboard. As advertisers find it harder to reach consumers through television and radio, the increasing array of Out-of-Home Advertising is looking more attractive.

Companies are turning to more creative forms of advertising, such as decorating street bench advertising and kiosks. These types of street furniture are located in the direct proximity to prospective customers, which in turn, leads to immediate brand exposure.

If placed strategically, street furniture can be used to geographically reach your targeted consumers. Similar to mobile billboards, street furniture is mostly a clutter free method of advertising. For instance, you can usually spot a bench on a pathway in a park. Placing an ad in this location allows your company to stand out as it is isolated from a flood of other campaigns.

street furniture, static billboard, advertisingOn the downside, an ad on a street bench isn’t guaranteed to reach as many customers as other mediums of out-of-home advertising (OOH). There is really no way to be certain how many individuals using this street bench and absorbing the advertisement. On the other hand, billboards located in a prime location are guaranteed to reach thousands of eyeballs every day due to their size factor and placement.

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