The ROI of Roaming Ads: Calculating the Effectiveness of Truck Advertising

Source- Movia

In the fast-paced marketing world, businesses are constantly exploring innovative ways to capture their target audience’s attention. One such method that has gained significant traction in recent years is truck advertising, also known as mobile billboards or roaming ads. This unique form of outdoor advertising involves displaying advertisements on the sides or backs of trucks and other mobile vehicles, turning them into moving billboards that roam around urban and rural areas. But how effective are these roaming ads, and how can businesses measure their return on investment (ROI)? Let’s delve into the fascinating world of truck advertising and explore the metrics behind its effectiveness.

Truck advertising has become an incredibly efficient means of showcasing your brand to specific consumer groups. But what exactly does truck advertising entail, and how does it function?

Source- Movia

Truck advertising is the practice of displaying advertisements on the sides of delivery trucks, often unrelated to the goods being transported. This strategy ensures that the ad catches the attention of other drivers and individuals nearby, setting it apart from static billboards typically found along roadsides. By driving these trucks through different towns and areas, the advertising message gains maximum exposure and reach.

Why advertise on Trucks?

Utilizing truck advertising is an incredibly effective method for promoting brands or products of any size to a broad audience. Interestingly, many people are unaware that the products or brands displayed in truck ads are often not what’s inside the truck. This misconception adds credibility to the advertised product or brand, as it’s assumed that if it’s on the truck, it must be legitimate.

I always believed that what’s on the side of a truck matches its contents, which added authenticity to the product being advertised. For instance, when I saw Grillo’s pickles being shipped by the truckload, it reinforced my belief in their quality.

Unlike conventional advertising methods, truck advertising enables you to deliver your message directly to your target audience, regardless of their location. This allows you to optimize your advertising budget by ensuring that your brand gains exposure to a wide audience.

Advertising on trucks also lends instant credibility to your brand. When people see your brand prominently displayed on a truck, it creates a sense of trust and legitimacy. It indicates that your brand is established and successful enough to invest in mobile advertising. This perception can significantly enhance your brand’s reputation and make potential customers more inclined to consider your products or services.

By harnessing the potential of truck advertising, you can elevate your brand’s visibility, and credibility, and ultimately drive its success in the market.

Capturing Attention on the Move and measurement

Truck advertising offers a distinct advantage over traditional static billboards by taking the message directly to the target audience. These mobile billboards can reach areas where traditional advertising mediums may not have a presence, making them highly visible and engaging. Whether during rush hour traffic, at events and festivals, or in specific neighborhoods, roaming ads have the flexibility to target specific demographics and geographical locations effectively.

The initial method of measuring Truck advertising effectiveness is straightforward yet effective. Referred to as the “before and after” method, it involves comparing sales data before and after running the ad. If there’s a noticeable increase in sales, it suggests that the ad is yielding positive results. By juxtaposing the cost of running the ad with the additional profits generated, businesses can calculate their Return on Investment (ROI).


However, this approach is somewhat basic for assessing campaign effectiveness and may not yield accurate results if used in isolation. It’s crucial to consider external factors and ensure no concurrent campaigns are running on different channels that could influence sales figures.

One increasingly popular form of Roaming advertising is Truck Ads. According to the American Trucking Association, 91% of the targeted audience notices truck advertisements, with a significant percentage recalling specific ads. This form of advertising offers several advantages beyond broad visibility:

  1. Truck displays are cost-effective, typically priced at a fraction of traditional billboards, making them accessible to various brands.
  2. Truck ads are hard to ignore on truck routes, ensuring a lasting impact compared to repetitive television or radio ads.
  3. Truck ads allow for route selection, ensuring they reach the desired audience at the right time and place.
  4. Monitoring campaigns are simplified with trucks equipped with GPS systems, providing real-time tracking of vehicle movements.

 While the “before and after” method provides a basic assessment of Mobile Truck Ads offers distinct advantages such as cost efficiency, targeted reach, and real-time monitoring capabilities, making them a compelling choice for modern advertising campaigns.

Measuring ROI: Key Metrics to Consider

Calculating the ROI of truck advertising involves analyzing various metrics to determine its effectiveness in achieving marketing objectives. Here are some key metrics to consider:

Reach and Impressions

Source- Movia

When evaluating the potential audience reach and impressions generated by roaming ads (such as truck advertising), several factors need to be considered:

  • Vehicle Routes: The routes taken by the vehicles carrying the ads play a crucial role in determining audience reach. Routes that pass through densely populated areas, major traffic arteries, or areas with high foot traffic can significantly increase exposure to the target audience.
  • Duration of Exposure: The amount of time the ads are visible to viewers is another critical factor. Longer exposure periods, such as during peak traffic hours or in areas where vehicles tend to slow down or stop (like intersections or traffic jams), can lead to higher impressions and better audience engagement.
  • Demographic Profiles: Understanding the demographic profiles of the areas covered by the roaming ads is essential. Different locations may have varying demographics in terms of age, income levels, interests, and lifestyles. Tailoring the ad content and placement to resonate with specific demographic groups can enhance the effectiveness of the campaign.
  • Geographical Coverage: The geographical coverage of the roaming ads also impacts audience reach. Ads that cover a wide area or target specific regions based on market segmentation strategies can reach a more relevant audience and generate higher impressions among potential customers.

Source- Movia Media

  • Ad Placement and Visibility: The placement of ads on vehicles, such as on the sides, backs, or tops of trucks, can influence visibility and impressions. Eye-catching designs, clear messaging, and strategic placement can capture viewers’ attention and leave a lasting impression, increasing the likelihood of recall and engagement.
  • Frequency of Exposure: Repeated exposure to the ads can reinforce brand awareness and message retention. Strategic planning to ensure regular exposure of the ads to the target audience over time can lead to increased recall and engagement levels.

By analyzing these factors comprehensively, advertisers can assess the potential audience reach and impressions generated by roaming ads. This data-driven approach helps in optimizing ad campaigns, refining targeting strategies, and maximizing the overall effectiveness of the

Brand Awareness

Measuring the impact of truck advertising on brand awareness involves a multi-faceted approach that incorporates surveys, social media engagement, and website traffic analysis. Here’s how each method can help gauge how well the ads resonate with the target audience:

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  • Surveys: Conducting surveys among the target audience can provide valuable insights into brand awareness and perception. Surveys can include questions related to brand recall, recognition of the advertised message or product, and overall impressions of the ad campaign. By analyzing survey responses, marketers can assess the effectiveness of truck advertising in creating brand awareness and resonating with the audience.
  • Social Media Engagement: Monitor social media platforms for engagement metrics related to the truck advertising campaign. Track metrics such as likes, shares, comments, mentions, and hashtag usage related to the campaign. High levels of engagement indicate that the ad content is resonating with the audience and generating interest and conversation. Analyze sentiment analysis tools to understand the overall sentiment towards the campaign and brand.
  • Website Traffic Analysis: Analyze website traffic data during the period when the truck advertising campaign is active. Look for increases in website visits, page views, time spent on the site, and specific landing pages related to the campaign. Monitor referral traffic from sources such as social media, search engines, and direct visits attributed to the campaign. Analyzing user behavior on the website can provide insights into the impact of the ad campaign on driving online engagement and brand interest.

By combining data from surveys, social media engagement, and website traffic analysis, marketers can gain a comprehensive understanding of the impact of truck advertising on brand awareness. These metrics help in evaluating the effectiveness of the ad campaign, identifying areas for improvement, and making data-driven decisions to optimize future advertising.

Lead Generation

Tracking leads generated directly from a truck advertising campaign is crucial for assessing the campaign’s conversion rate and overall effectiveness. Here are several methods to track leads and measure conversions:


  • Unique QR Codes:  Incorporate unique QR codes in truck advertisements that link to specific landing pages or offer pages on your website. When individuals scan these QR codes using their smartphones, it can track the source of the lead and provide valuable data on campaign-driven traffic and conversions. Analyzing QR code scans can help measure engagement and conversion rates directly attributable to the truck advertising campaign.
  • Promotional Offers:  Include unique promotional offers or discounts in the truck advertisements that are exclusive to the campaign. Customers interested in availing of these offers will need to visit your website or physical store and use a specific promotional code provided in the ad. By tracking the usage of these codes or offers, you can attribute leads and conversions directly to the truck advertising campaign.
  • Dedicated Landing Pages: Create dedicated landing pages on your website specifically for the truck advertising campaign. Include compelling content, visuals, and call-to-action elements related to the campaign. Direct traffic from the truck ads to these landing pages using customized URLs or QR codes. Analyze website analytics tools to track visits, form submissions, downloads, or purchases originating from these dedicated landing pages, providing insights into conversion rates and campaign performance.
  • Call Tracking Numbers: Utilize unique call tracking numbers in the truck advertisements that route calls to specific phone lines dedicated to the campaign. By tracking the number of calls received through these unique numbers, you can measure the campaign’s impact on generating leads and inquiries via phone calls.
  • CRM Integration: Integrate your customer relationship management (CRM) system with your lead tracking mechanisms. This allows you to capture and categorize leads generated from the truck advertising campaign accurately. Monitor the progression of these leads through the sales funnel to assess conversion rates and ROI associated with the campaign.

By implementing these tracking methods, businesses can effectively measure leads generated, and conversions achieved, and ultimately evaluate the success of their truck advertising campaign in driving tangible results and return on investment.

Location-Based Analytics

Utilizing GPS tracking and geofencing technology in truck advertising campaigns can provide valuable real-time data on the movement and impact of the ads in specific locations. Here’s how these technologies can help fine-tune future campaigns:

  • GPS Tracking: GPS tracking technology can be integrated into trucks carrying advertisements, allowing precise monitoring of their routes and locations. This data can help track the exposure of the ads to different areas, assess the frequency of exposure in specific locations, and identify areas with high traffic or audience concentration.


  • Geofencing Technology: Geofencing involves setting up virtual boundaries or “fences” around specific geographic areas. When a truck enters or exits these predefined areas, geofencing technology triggers notifications or data collection. By setting up geofences around target locations, such as key market areas, competitor locations, or event venues, marketers can gather data on ad exposure in those areas.
  • Real-Time Data Collection: GPS tracking and geofencing technologies provide real-time data on the movement patterns of trucks and their exposure to audiences. This data can include information such as the duration of time spent in specific locations, the number of impressions generated in each area, and audience demographics based on location data.
  • Impact Analysis: Analyzing real-time data collected through GPS tracking and geofencing helps assess the impact of truck advertisements in different locations. Marketers can evaluate which areas yield the highest engagement, which routes are most effective in reaching the target audience, and where adjustments may be needed to optimize exposure.
  • Fine-tuning future Campaigns: The insights gathered from GPS tracking and geofencing data can inform strategic decisions for future campaigns. You can use this data to optimize route planning, adjust ad placements based on high-traffic areas, refine targeting parameters, and tailor messaging to resonate better with specific audiences in different locations.
  • Performance Evaluation: By comparing real-time data with campaign objectives and KPIs, marketers can evaluate the performance of the truck advertising campaign accurately. This data-driven approach allows for continuous improvement and refinement of advertising strategies to maximize impact and ROI.

leveraging GPS tracking and geofencing technology in truck advertising campaigns provides actionable insights that can be used to fine-tune future campaigns, improve targeting, optimize route planning, and enhance overall campaign effectiveness.

Success Stories and Case Studies

Many businesses have experienced remarkable success with truck advertising campaigns, showcasing the tangible benefits of this dynamic marketing approach.

Movia and Wholesale Club Case Study

Wholesale Club stands as Canada’s premier self-service wholesaler, dedicated to delivering top-quality products at excellent value for our valued members. Our primary objective revolves around catering to small business customers, which is why we offer business memberships without any fees, business-friendly operating hours, exclusive member promotions, discounts on bulk purchases, and a team of dedicated business representatives committed to assisting both new and existing members in maximizing their Wholesale Club business membership benefits.

Source-Movia Media

Wholesale Club, a prominent self-service wholesaler in Canada under the ownership of Loblaws, caters to a wide range of clients including restaurants, retailers, and other establishments requiring food service supplies. Recently, the company aimed to draw attention to its new store opening in Richmond Hill, Ontario, and partnered with Movia for a truck-side out-of-home advertising campaign.

Source- Movia

The campaign involved deploying ten trucks over 14 weeks, strategically targeting owners and managers of bars, restaurants, convenience stores, hotels, and various food retailers. These trucks were strategically positioned during supply deliveries to businesses, ensuring the ads were both relevant and timely. To further enhance the campaign’s impact, mobile device retargeting was utilized, resulting in an impressive total of 49 million impressions.

This combination of out-of-home advertising and mobile ads, precisely delivered to the intended audience at opportune moments, proved to be a highly effective marketing strategy. Not only did it create widespread awareness, but it also contributed significantly to boosting sales distinctively and cost-effectively.

Partnering for Success: Working with Experts in Truck Advertising

Source- Movia Media

Navigating the world of truck advertising and maximizing ROI requires strategic planning, creative design, and precise execution. Collaborating with experienced advertising agencies specializing in mobile billboards, such as Movia, can provide businesses with the expertise and insights needed to create impactful campaigns, monitor performance metrics, and optimize results.


As businesses strive to stand out in a competitive market, exploring unconventional yet effective advertising channels like truck advertising can lead to significant returns on investment. By leveraging the unique advantages of mobile billboards and employing data-driven analytics to measure ROI, businesses can drive brand visibility, engagement, and ultimately, sales growth. Are you ready to harness the power of roaming ads for your next marketing campaign? Contact Movia Media today to embark on a journey of impactful and memorable advertising experiences.

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