OOH Advertising Remarkably Drives Online Activity – Nielsen Study

Out-of-home advertising is considered to be one of the main drivers of online activity (such as Search, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram), based on the findings presented by Nielsen.

According to survey:

In March 2017, Nielsen conducted an online survey with 1,089 US residents asking them questions about the level of Search, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram activity caused by exposure to the offline media, such as TV, radio, print, movie theatre and OOH. The results of this study were consistent with the findings from the 2013 study.

Among various media channels, online activations from OOH had the most impressive results. In the past 6 months, almost 5 out of 10 respondents (46%) used a Search Engine (Google, Bing, Yahoo or another engine) to look up information they saw or heard through OOH advertising channel. 4 out of 10 respondents (38%) posted or visited a Facebook after being exposed to the OOH advertisement. Due to the constant growth of social media, Twitter and Instagram, has showed some increase in numbers compared to the findings in the 2013 study. In 2017, 23% and 25% of respondents have visited or posted something on Twitter and Instagram, respectively, after seeing an OOH ad.


ooh activations past six months


Surprisingly, the total spending on OOH advertising in 2016 was $7.6 billion, which is only 7% of the total offline media ad spending, compared with 61% for TV, 19% for print and 13% for Radio. OOH has the highest results in driving online activity and the lowest ad spending, which makes it the most cost-effective advertising media channel.

“Out of home media continues to deliver more online activity per ad dollar spent compared to television, radio and print (newspapers and magazines).” – Nielsen

online activation against media


According to the findings, OOH advertising index for online activations in Search Engines, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram is on average four times higher compared to TV, radio and print.

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