How Outdoor Advertising Works?

Digital billboards, outdoor advertising benefits

Outdoor advertising and marketing goes hand in hand. The world is changing and the market in it as well. You must follow the trends. When it comes to small Businesses, finding the right customer is the hardest way to do. There used to be conventional techniques in marketing that called outbound marketing which includes; tv ads, radio ads, text messages and emails. This marketing technique is also called push technique. Basically, you as a marketer, try to push your product to a customer and expect them to come back to you. Customers does not reply to these kind of interactions anymore because, there are so many and they are dull. In addition to that,  there are technologies that helps you to skip those online and tv ads which kills the businesses.

Consumers do not want so many ads anymore since they are bombarded. They want to take over control. Researches also proves that people do not trust traditional tv ads as much as they used to. Do you really think that small businesses wants to take that risk and has a chance in that chaos ? That is questionable.

What you can do with outdoor advertising

Engagement with your target audience is the key to a successful market campaign and when it comes to interaction with them, out of home advertising is one of the key steps that you should follow. The main point is, consumers have an antipathy to conventional advertisement and they do not want to see them ever. However, they do not see out of home advertising  as a part of that chaos. OOH media has already been saved itself from that ordinary advertisement system and has enshrined customers memory as a fun and catchy stuff. 

Why engagement with the customers ?

creative advertising methods and strategies


Customer engagement is everything that business and firms need to focus on. People think of customers like a juicy patty of a hamburger. Everyone knows that a hamburger is better if the meat is juicy and in marketing, without the right engagement method, business can not sustain for long. When you engage with customers, you help them to interact with your brand. 

Necessity for a New Technique

Today, customers do not respond the old style marketing techniques anymore. Customer do not open no-reply emails or change the tv channel instantly when the ads start. It makes businesses lose their marketing investment. However, with the new technique of marketing which we call as “inbound marketing” or pull technique, it is easier for firms to attract their potential customers. The reason for that is, in pull technique, customers are chasing you. You do not need to chase customers anymore. When you chase the customers, they usually do not respond immediately. However, when the opposite happens, brand image and loyalty gets maximized and this technique is highly suitable to Out of Home advertising.


Massive Billboards for highway advertising


Out of home advertising is the new trend of marketing world. It is one of the easiest and most efficient ways to interaction with customers. It has a huge potential to boost brand awareness and customer loyalty. It does not have to be complicated. Sometimes most the simple things gets the highest attentions. A small billboard or mobile billboard with a simple message can make enormous attractions to your company.


Is OOH really working ?

Actually, it really does. According to a research in London, Out of home media produces more mobile phone search than any other advertising methods. Customers are influenced by interesting posters while they are walking on street or driving. It makes a sensation on people’s mind. A simple, colorful and nicely imaged poster is always attracted by people.  There is no need for spending thousands of dollars on television ads or print advertising. This method is more effective than television ads and less expensive as well. You must know what your consumers need and with a little bit of creativeness, terrific results will happen.


Billboards on the highway and OOH street signage

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