How many people see a billboard?

Professionals say that approximately 3,000 advertisements per day usually impact the people who live in a city and are in touch with different types of media. This is more than one million a year.

Billboard ads are one of the most effective advertising tools that exist today. They are widely used by the automotive, cinema, and refreshment industries or to promote any event. When advertising has the design, creativity and message suitable for the target market that you pursue, they instantly capture the attention of the spectator, resulting in the viewer quickly absorbing the message that you want to communicate.


If the advertisement has a good design, it will instantly capture the attention of the spectator. Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash.

Results of publicity

This media industry has received a significant boost of credibility. It’s an eye-catching advertising medium since it is measurable and the cost of billboards are quite budget-friendly. For years, television, radio and editorial advertising have been scrutinised with ratings and measurement programs that have marked the reception of campaigns. This situation has become a “must” advertisers expect their agencies to provide data on demographics, number of responses and impacts on their target audiences.

Historically, this type of information has been absent in the segment of external media, but everything has changed, and therefore, the measurement of audiences is no longer an accurate telling of how well a product or service will be received. Now it provides transparency and also allows outdoor media to compete more effectively with other media and communication supports.

Outdoor advertising achieves repetitive impact as well as a low cost compared to other media. Now, how is it measured? Are these measurement systems effective?


photo-1522361247687-02a0a2aa540e Outdoor advertising achieves repetitive impact as well as a low cost compared to other media. Photo by Harry Kessell on Unsplash.

What, exactly, do they measure?

Usually what they do is count the people within the demographic audience (target audience) that are likely to see the publicity, evaluate the size, the period of light, the speed with which it passes in front of the advertising, distance, readability and support orientation.

Outdoor advertising relates to consumers at an unconscious level: A study conducted by the Out of Home Advertising Association of America concluded that 84% of people pay attention to the billboards they see. What happens with that 16% who does not observe them? Well, it does so passively, since the brain records that information at an unconscious level. Our minds are like sponges that absorb our environment without acknowledging it. More than 30 years of psychological research on the phenomenon called the Effect of Mere Exposure determines that we respond more favourably to something familiar than to something that is unknown to us. Surprisingly, this happens even when an unidentified object is similar to a known one. What does this mean? In short, the more the public knows about our business, the more they like it and the more they buy into it.


photo-1518530184664-a4f5033ad6dfbillboards have the power to provoke strong emotional responses rooted in basic needs. Photo by Denisse Leon on Unsplash.

Billboard ads elicit emotional responses: Although we may think that we are primarily rational in the decisions we make, research shows the opposite: decision making is very much a moving process. In fact, according to one study, 95% of purchasing decisions are the product of feelings. Very often these feelings are associated with deep psychological needs created around belonging, prestige, security or natural states such as hunger or thirst. This is a key reason why outdoor advertising is so effective. Thanks to its presence in time, notoriety and the ability to tell stories, billboards have the power to provoke strong emotional responses rooted in basic needs.

The different systems, with some nuances, show the demographic of possible consumers who will view your advertisement. To achieve this, sophisticated formulas are applied in which the general characteristics of the location are evaluated (size, period of light, as well as the speed at which it circulates in front of the advertisement), thus generating an indicator that will subsequently be applied to the total audience (traffic) to establish the impact created. Measuring the results of your advertisement can help you determine which styles, methods and media work best for your business.

Billboards are unlike any other media in that there’s no way to turn them off; you have no choice but to notice them. You can block popups on a digital device or pay for ad-free music channels on satellite radio, and you can flip right past the ads in a magazine, but there’s no way to escape most OOH advertising, billboards are the most prominent among them.

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