Benefits of OOH Advertising

Much like everything in life, every form of advertising has their advantages and their disadvantages. For out-of-home advertising in particular, factors such as location, frequency, demographic, and medium need to be considered in great detail. Without careful evaluation of these factors, an ad campaign could go awry. That being said, OOH advertising has a bucketload of benefits that have the potential to surpass other traditional or digital forms of advertising. It hits people when they may least expect it, while they’re vulnerable outside their comfort homes, and may drive them to the point of sale with a brand. OOH advertising can be polarizing, picturesque, and shareable. This post will reveal some of the top advantages of out-of-home executions as well as dive into how digital OOH advertising is taking over the streets this year.


OOH is indefinitely seen by many


High Visibility and Frequency Matters

The average consumer is exposed to something at least 10 times before they make an action call. OOH ads taking the form of billboards, transit, bus shelter, wallscapes, and more all have the ability to relay consistent marketing messages that meet the eyes of potential and existing consumers a numerous amount of times. These marketing messages are also so in-your-face, almost unavoidable, making the advertisement in question completely seen by everyone in its reach. This matters because consumers will be able to retain the ad better than, say, a simple commercial on their television or a digital pop-up ad video on their cell phone.

Market Reach is Covered

OOH advertising, especially transit advertising, covers a complete market of people when it does its job. Because transit advertising, and mobile billboards, don’t necessarily follow the same routes of travel every day, over the course of a time-specific advertising campaign that ad will likely be seen across every corner in a given geographic location. This guarantees a great reach, which is a huge benefit of OOH advertising because it has the ability to meet the eyes of every market.


Because OOH stays put, everyone is able to see it


Always On

On top of market reach being covered, out-of-home advertisements are constantly being seen by somebody. They’re always visible, whether they’re static or mobile in nature. Someone is bound to see it. Especially in the case of billboards along a major highway or bright LED display digital billboards, consumers are exposed to the advertisement indefinitely.

Cost-Effective Value

According to ATA Outdoor, as well as being quoted among other online sources, the cost per thousand impressions (CPM) for outdoor advertising ranges from 6 cents to $8.99. When put up against other forms of advertising that can get as high as costing $58.00/thousand impressions, it’s not difficult to see how OOH advertising is considerably a better value at a lower cost.


OOH advertising leads people along the path of purchase


It Influences the Path-of-Purchase

According to research compiled by the UK’s Outdoor Media Centre (OMC), outdoor advertising is the advertising medium that falls in ‘the last window of influence’ by consumers who shop regularly. This means that they’ll be influenced to the point of purchase of an item that is advertised to them while they’re already on their shopping journey. It’s the final advertisement they are vulnerable to before a final decision takes place. 70% of purchases occur outside main shopping and retail centers, according to 360 Degree Media Group, so location is key when setting up an outdoor advertisement because it should fall in place along a path-of-purchase.

Benefits of Digital Out-of-Home Advertising (DOOH)

DOOH advertising is out-of-home advertising elevated. It has the power to be seen twice more than static OOH and are 2.5 times more impactful. Mobile location marketing is taking place in DOOH by connecting a consumer’s mobile screen to nearby DOOH screens in order to offer more customized and individualistic ad placements and experiences. This helps advertisers and marketers find the right demographic for their ad. For example, “daily teen commuters” can be a category discovered through DOOH and mobile device connections that can help to better localize the ad content derived from the out-of-home.


Out-of-home advertising outperforms other ad channels


Further integration among marketing platforms also take place within a DOOH sphere. Programmatic platforms allow advertisers to purchase both digital mobile ad space and DOOH ad space using the same interfaces. This allows for more expansion of the same ad campaign across two separate, now linked, channels. DOOH will benefit the world of advertising because it will push for more ad networks and “smart cities” that are at the core of connecting with consumers.

In conclusion, there are plenty of valuable benefits that OOH advertising has for advertisers, marketers, and consumers. This advertising channel is only moving forward and up in its approach to connect consumers with content and products. And, with the combination of digital mobile interference, OOH has the opportunity to meet us back home where we began our journey in the first place.

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