Grillo's Pickles logo for their truck advertising campaign


Grillo's Pickles wanted people to chill out and eat a pickle this summer! Partnering with Movia to launch 20 Mobile Billboards in LA, they hyper-targeted food service delivery units frequenting shopping centers, grocery stores, convenience stores, and bars and restaurants. The bright green distinctive creative popped and was impossible to miss for anyone going shopping. The campaign delivered more than 60 Million OOH impressions, but it didn't stop there; a TikTok video went viral with over 275,000 likes! Yes likes, and over 2 Million online engagements. This premium example of how Mobile Billboards can become a contextual part of a media strategy is just what Grillo's needed for a spike in summer pickle sales!

Grillo’s Pickles Truck Advertising in LA, California

Number of
mobile billboards


Project Scope

28 weeks


160M impressions
after 28 weeks


Los Angeles

Movia Grillo's Pickles Truck Ads Case Study

Movia Truck Advertising Campaign for Grillo’s Pickles

About Grillo's Pickles

Grillo's Pickles began simply with a pickle cart, just a small wooden stand in downtown Boston, where Travis Grillo and his friends would sell two spears for one dollar. Travis made the pickles by night using his family's 100-year old recipe - one he'd memorized from making pickles every summer as a kid. Then, in the morning, Travis would bike to the Boston Common and set up the cart with his buddies. Theyʼd hang out all day, urging people to try the simple Grillo family pickle. It was a small business, but Travis worked hard for it. He made more pickles, biked more miles, and slept less hours than he ever had before. Before he knew it, Whole Foods Markets and the Boston Red Sox asked to feature the pickles. Others promptly followed. Today, Grilloʼs Pickles are available in grocery stores across the country.
