Why You Should Take Your Brand To The Streets

As COVID restrictions loosen up, everyone is either planning a night out with their friends or brunch meetings.

Image source: Pixabay

Essentially anything that gives them a reason to leave their homes in which they spent the last two years. 

This is the right time to start focusing on ads which are easily accessible on their way. Hence, brands need to find creative ways to meet their customers while they are  on the roads

Moving billboards is an easy and an effective way through which brands get their show on the road.Moving billboards are essentially ads on wheels, where they reach the target demographic to spread awareness regarding the product/services which can make their lives better.

The Movia team has successfully run many such projects with an average of 10 million impressions in just 5 weeks!

At Movia, we believe that just a small reminder about the product just before a consumer enters the store serves as a good reminder as it would have been the last thing they would have seen before they went inside the store.

To Create Brand Awareness

Advertising a brand through any OOH means helps in creating brand awareness. Moving billboards will not only reach the target audience but it will reach other people who might need the services or products in the future. 

Leads To More Marketing

Image source: Pixabay

Creating a catchy or a unique truck ad campaigns can also lead a brand to go viral over on social media which will in turn grow the brand.

For example: When the Dracula campaign launched, It blew up on social media in just one week, the time lapse of the billboard has over 7 million views across various social media platforms.

Twitter. (2020, January 3). Dracula. twitter. Retrieved February 3, 2022, from https://twitter.com/sturdyAlex/status/1213142963230052352?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1213142963230052352%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Ftalonoutdoor.com%2Fnews%2F3-ooh-campaigns-that-went-viral

Truck side advertising is a great way to increase awareness for your company, and it’s easy to get started. Truck-side advertising can work wonders when used correctly. Talk to an expert today!

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