Transit Advertising

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What is public transit advertising?

Public transit advertising, also known as out-of-home (OOH) advertising, involves promoting and advertising using public transportation, such as subways, buses, trains, and taxis, as a means of reaching out to the general public. In addition to utilizing transit agents, displaying outside advertising cards or wrapping posters within transit terminals or stations may be a wonderful way to advertise public transportation. Furthermore, transit media advertising may be divided into two types: inner space advertising, such as placing advertising cards inside cars, and outside advertising, such as displaying advertising cards outside to attract attention. We cannot overlook the significance. We will analyse its pros and cons below since it is one of the most successful and effective ways to send essential signals in the medium.

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The Pros and Cons of Public Transit Advertising

In today’s advertising campaigns, a wide range of advertising methods have been used, ranging from traditional media such as newspaper and television commercials to online mobile advertising such as placing and spreading advertisements on social media platforms to offline out-of-home (OOH) advertising such as using traditional or mobile billboards for advertising in order to satisfy different customer’s needs. According to Neilson’s study on OOH advertising, this type of advertising is the greatest and most effective offline technique to get people to participate in online activities. As public transportation advertising, which we shall discuss in depth further below, is unquestionably one of the most successful means of capturing the public’s attention, get to know it.

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What are the advantages of transit advertising?

1.Reasonable price:

 Advertising might be expensive, but transit advertising is very affordable and simple to obtain. Although the price varies according to the kind, it remains one of the most cost-effective and competitive methods to communicate effectively, and there are no further costs after it is launched.

2.Long Exposure:

Advertising trucks on the street or advertising carts inside can be exposed to any geographic region at any time of day or night. Long-term exposure in cities may readily pique the public’s interest in the advertisement because they are exposed to it several times. That repeated information may imprint in their thoughts, assisting in the development of a favorable impression of the brand. Your brand will gain recognition.

3. Wider Reach with the high mobility:

As previously said, transit media advertising may reach a much larger audience since advertisements can be on the road for longer periods. Because of their tremendous adaptability to any geographic region, they can reach a larger number of prospective consumers while just communicating with the intended demographic. The target audience for these advertisements maybe anyone on the roadway, from walkers to vehicles. Advertising on public transportation has a lot of clouts since it may be seen by commuters of all ages and financial levels. To summarize, when a bigger pool of clients can be reached, the advertisement’s and brand’s awareness may be raised, helping the business and resulting in advertising campaign success.

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What are the disadvantages of transit advertising?

1.Lack of Interactiveness:

One of the disadvantages of advertising, like with any other kind of traditional advertising, is that there is no touch or connection between the advertisement and the viewer. Furthermore, if the public finds them tiresome due to a lack of interactivity, the advertisement on public transit vehicles will almost certainly be disregarded or forgotten. As a result, businesses may discover that transit advertising fails to persuade or communicate their messaging to their target audiences.

2.Limitation from the Image size :

Due to the predetermined sizes of the advertising carts and the limits that come with them, the material inside the adverts will be constrained as well. As a result, there’s a chance that the brand’s image and soul won’t be adequately represented to the audience. Aside from the frame size constraint, inventiveness may be constrained and restricted, which will undoubtedly affect the advertising campaign’s success.

3.limitation from the geographical location:

Although mobility is one of the benefits of transit media advertising, it may also be negative because the transportation medium is not accessible in some areas. Assume the bus only runs in the downtown area. The route will merely remain there in such a situation, and people will be unable to read and get the advertisement promptly, not to mention the difficulties in reaching the target audience.

4. Hard to measure success

It’s difficult to get proper analytics with transit advertising as it’s confusing whether who has seen it, noticed it, and how well it worked. But with Movia, you don’t have to worry as we have Onboard beacon analysis and Wi-Fi/Bluetooth signal that helps you know who has seen the campaign and its effectiveness.

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Why use transit Advertising?

A truck is effectively a moving billboard that follows passengers, other people, and automobiles throughout the day, giving it far more exposure than a traditional billboard.

Despite its increasing popularity, digital advertising has a few drawbacks that transit advertising does not.

Advertising that is shown in or on public transportation is known as transit advertising. Using a mix of solid and porous window film, advertisements may be projected on the sides of buses, trains, and taxis. It’s the meticulously crafted canvas that enables your content to run for an extended length of time and be seen several times by your target audience.

The following are some of the benefits of traditional advertising:

  1. It is unlike television or internet advertising in that it cannot be turned off.
  2. Except for radio advertisements, it reaches drivers and riders regardless of which radio stations they are listening to. It’s expected that a wide range of people will attend.
  3. It’s expected that a wide range of people will attend.
  4. There are several ad sizes, placements, and creatives from which to pick.

Investment in transit Advertising

Whether traveling across the country or just across town, buses and trucks are a capable and convenient method of transportation. They’re also large enough to accommodate eye-catching advertising campaigns and even interactive digital advertisements.

There are options for both interior and outside transportation advertising. Whether you’re looking for king kongs or full wrap advertisements for the exterior, or interior bus cards and posters, bus advertising allows you to reach a huge audience.

There are both pros and cons to transit advertising:


  1. Geographic Target – Because buses follow fixed routes, knowing where your adverts will appear might be beneficial. To target specific places, advertise on certain buses. Local folks are more likely to be interested in your goods or service if your ads are more focused. When employing bus adverts, customers may assume you are communicating directly to them.
  2. Makes use of the long trip times – Longer stay times are perhaps one of the most critical aspects of the effectiveness of transportation advertising. There are usually big groups waiting for anything from a few minutes to an hour or two, whether it’s checking in for a flight or waiting for the next rail or bus. Furthermore, most audiences will be more responsive to a powerful message projected on a nearby digital screen since they are “waiting.”
  3. Any OOH provider will soon point out the importance of location, ad language, demographics, and, most critically, attitude in getting anything to stick. When viewers are in a captive state, whether it’s on a traditional board or a digital screen display, ads have the biggest impact. According to research undertaken by OOH media providers in airport advertising, audiences have a strong 90 percent ad awareness. This is due to their ability to remain open and peaceful in the environment, even though they would be waiting or doing nothing for quite some time.


  1. It’s hard to guarantee success; you may place a poster on a bus or truck and receive no reaction. Simply placing an advertisement does not ensure that people will want or need your goods. No guarantee using outdoor advertising will even have a little impact on your consumer base.
  2. If you have little control over who sees your ads, it may be more difficult to engage with certain demographics.

Mass transit Media

Transportation advertising, often known as transit advertising, is outdoor media placed in or on public transportation. Advertising mediums include buses, trains, taxis, subway vehicles, bus shelters, and railway stations.

Public transportation ads can be found on commuter buses and trains, as well as bus and railway stations. Similar to billboards, drivers and pedestrians will only see signs on the outside of buses for a few seconds.

Types of transit Advertising

  1. Outside advertising – Outside advertising on vehicles is nothing new. Buses, taxis, and other vehicles have advertisements on the sides. Modern buses and cabs, on the other hand, now have electronic message boards/LED screens mounted on their surfaces, which is a notable advancement.

  1. Platform, Terminal, or Station Posters – As the name suggests, businesses advertise on subways, bus stations, airline terminals, and other public locations. Examples include island exhibitions, floor displays, and electronic billboards.

Examples of transit ads

Kong is one of the most well-known cartoon characters in movies. King Kong and Kong: Skull Island are two films that feature the mythical enormous gorilla.

On the bus, the commercial banner was amazing and eye-catching. The pawn of Kong is squeezing the bus. Because it was so genuine, visitors couldn’t take their attention away from it. Without a question, it was a fantastic example of creative and effective transportation advertising.

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Specsavers Bus Back Crash – Specsavers, a British worldwide optical shop, has creative transit advertising. A banner depicting a bus crashing with a signpost was put on the rear of the bus by the corporation. The notice ads, “Should have gone to Specsavers.” This was, without a doubt, a fantastic example of transportation advertising.

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Interior transit- Advertising

Your campaign will be seen by thousands of everyday bus riders since interior bus advertising is shown above the windows on both sides of the vehicle. Your signage can retain travelers’ attention all day with normal journey times of fifteen minutes.

Advertisements are shown on both sides of the bus, facing the roof. You may even put your ad on the ceiling if you want to go all out.

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